
About Libby Taylor

Libby’s entrance into real estate is not your typical story, and that is why she is such an asset to the property management team here. Having had a bad experience with property managers when she was a tenant; she came into the industry wanting to make a difference and create a better experience for everybody involved.  Libby has been working in property management for 2.5 years now, and her continuous professional and personal growth, allows her to carry on bettering the industry and improving the experience for landlords and tenants. Not only does Libby display determination and drive to make a real difference, she also does everything in an organised and professional manner, streamlining all processes. The thing that makes Libby such a valuable member of the team, is the fact that she loves people, she loves talking, and most importantly, she loves helping people.

Fun/Interesting Fact: Libby was once a seasoned Saxophone player